Sunday, February 18, 2007

PSP vs. DSLite

Simply unbelievable!

I bought my Sony PSP (Playstation Portable) last February of 2006, and my son Hans Dylan's Nintendo DSLite (Dual Screen) last December of 2006. Which now completes our collection of game handhelds (Hans also has a GameBoy Advance SP). Why I am simply flabbergasted into writing a piece about this is my utter disbelief that I will simply fell for the DSLite handheld.

Even before owning the DSLite, I was simply a fan of the PSP and when I got my hands on my own unit, I simply fell head over heels for it. Its screen is to die for (4+ inches of high resolution goodness), the games that I have bought and played in it were simply top notch, games like Daxter, Lumines, Syphon Filter, WipeOut Pure, Burn Out Legends and etc, simply brought out the best of the machine, add to it its capability to play mp3s and wma sound files, mp4 video and surf the Net through its Wifi makes the PSP a multi media beast of a machine. That's why when I hit the Net and read about how PSP is inferior to the DSLite (Game-wise) I just knew that the writers were just being fanboys, for I truly believe that the PSP easily out performs the DSLite. And add to that, Nintendo has the reputation of having a fanbase of mostly young children did not make me want to purchase one for myself right away.

Enter my son, Hans Dylan, at eight years of age, currently playing his GameBoy Advance SP and starting to get bored with it. Having seen the DSLite being wielded by some other kids when we were inside malls and other recreational areas, started to ask me if I can buy him one. Luckily, me and my wife went to the US of A last Christmas and got a pretty good deal for a new DSLite (cheaper by around 1.5k pesos). And the rest as they say was history.

We bought the black DSLite, same color and finish as my PSP, the graphics of the games can't compete with the PSP's but boy o boy do the games get addictive, lets start with Brain Age, its a puzzle game that is innovative and addicitve, it makes counting and doing math fun, even my wife is competing for play time with the DSLite! Games like Advance Wars, Super Mario, Wario Touched, Trauma Center, Phoenix Wright and Metroid Prime makes use of the stylus during gameplay that gives the games an extra oomph factor which i can't describe.

Now I am a convert, I still use my PSP but the DSLite is number one on my playlist, my poor son has to compete with me for the machine's use. Oh well, I just hope they can both co-exist, since both handhelds have their own competencies and weaknesses. I am just glad I can afford both. For those who have to choose, if gaming is your number one criterion, then go with the DSLite, you will not go wrong with that choice. If you want to play games but at the same time watch movies, play sound files and keep some of your photos with you, then the PSP is your machine!

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