Saturday, July 2, 2011

My Entry Level HeadFi Gear

I have been seeing people walking down streets either with ordinary ear buds on listening to their mp3 player or some more sophisticated dude wearing those big ass dj like headphones, and it got me thinking, can I assemble a decent set of portable audio to take my FLAC music with me whenever I'm on the road.

First things first, I need a source that can play FLAC audio off the bat. Ipods can't do this... tsk tsk tsk, enter the Samsung Galaxy Tab! I bought this as my first tablet, its portable and it can do just about anything...including playing FLAC audio. The next thing on my list is to get a decent, very portable headphone amp and lastly competitively priced to boot! After a lot of googling and searching finally settled for the Fiio E5 headphone amp. Its so tiny it can be attach to the Tab like a remora does to a shark. Its dirt cheap and the reviews are quite good and respectable. Lastly, the ear speakers... I contemplated on using headphones, iems and what not but in the end, I settled with the Grado SR60i, a lot of enthusiasts use this brand because of its cost effectiveness and it is one of the better sounding brands in the headphone business.

galaxy tab unboxed

                                                             The Samsung Galaxy Tab


                                                         The Grado Sr60i and Fiio E5



                                                                     All together now

                                            Double taped the Fiio E5 to the back of the Tab!

Listening impressions, I listened to my music without the Fiio first but using the Grado, the sound is better than the stock buds of the Tab. sounds neutral than the warm sounding stock earbuds. But I find the details lacking, bass also lacking.

Using the Fiio E5, set to flat, E5 volume set to its highest position, Tab volume set to middle. the music opened up. NICE! Little improvement on bass. with the e5 set to bass boost, everything the same, obviously bass huge improvement but sacrificing some loss of detail. So depends on the genre of music listened to, just set the E5 switch to ones preference.

As for the Grado, no sonic complaints, its only the entry level model but since this is my first time for head fi, it sounds so good to me already. the only complaint I got was from my wife, the looks quirky (but I like) and she hears the music from the cans. But I said that is how it was designed.